Initial Information

Present Address *
Referred by
Have you ever applied to Merci's Refuge in the past?
If Yes, give approximate date:

Goals, Motivations & Support

Personal & Family Information

Date of Birth*
Do you have any children?
Are you currently pregnant?
If Yes, approximate due date
Has a doctor confirmed your pregnancy?
What options are you considering for your pregnancy?
(select all that apply)

Education & Employment

What is the last grade and/or training (i.e. CNA, EMT)you have completed?
(select all that apply)
What are your plans for further education and/or training while at Merci's Refuge?
(select all that apply)
Do you have a disability or learning difficulty that may affect your learning?
Are you currently employed?

While in the first program phase of Merci's Refuge (4-5 months), residents are unable to work.

Medical Information

Do you currently have health insurance?
(primary care, dental, vision, psychiatry, OB-GYN, etc)
Are you on a special diet?
Do you have, or have you ever had, a problem with food or eating?
Have you ever been diagnosed with an eating disorder or treated by a physician for food-related issues?

Benefits & Financial Information

Residents are required to apply for Link (SNAP- food stamps) and WIC (if applicable) to help with the costs of food for themselves or their babies.

Residents who receive disability benefits may also be required to contribute a small portion toward food costs if they do not qualify for Link.

Please indicate if you receive, or have applied for, any of the following benefits

Merci's Refuge provides food, shelter, basic toiletries, and counseling/support services. We are not responsible for medical expenses or prescriptions. It is the responsibility of the resident and/or her sponsor(s) to cover these expenses. Arrangements must be made in advance of residency. If none of the below sources of support are available to you please inform Merci's Refuge staff during your intake interview.

Legal Information

Do you have any pending court dates/case?
Will you be required to appear in person during your time at Merci's Refuge?
Are you currently incarcerated?
Are you currently on probation or parole?
Probation/Parole Officer's Address

Addiction History

ChecPlease check all the categories of past or current issues with substance abuse or addiction:
(Drug / Age started using / Still Using-Stopped Using / Last Time Used)
Have you ever been in an addiction recovery or detoxification program?
(Date of Entry / Name of Program / City/State / Reason for Leaving-Date of Discharge)

Mental Health & Counseling History

Please select all symptoms you have experienced in your life:
Have you ever received inpatient or outpatient counseling, mental health services, or psychiatric care?
(Date of Entry / Program/Counselor / City/State / Reason for Leaving-Date of Discharge)

Spiritual/Religious Beliefs

Merci's Refuge is available to women of any religious background. However, its counseling programs are based on the Bible and beliefs of Christianity. Are you open to considering what the Bible has to say about the goals you have for your life or the emotional wounds you are seeking healing from?

Traumatic Experiences

If anyone aided in the completion of this application, please indicate below:

Thank you for answering these questions. Please click the Submit button below.